Friday, May 30, 2014

leader of the pack

I had a breakfast date with my sweet R this morning. It feels so great when we are in the rhythm of going out one on one together that time is so precious. I can feel the stress when everyone feels like they need more "mommy time" and everyone gets all out of sorts. It only takes an hour at our favorite diner to click right back into place and I am so grateful for those handful of moments when we can find that time.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

birthday girl

My sweet bear turned 1 on Sunday, I can't believe it!! She is a sunshine in our lives and we are so happy to have her along for the ride. I had some very visceral memories of her birth this weekend and it is amazing to look at her now so much bigger than the day she was born and I held her in my arms for the first time. I thought for sure she would be my smallest but she weighed in at 9 lbs! We spent the weekend in Vermont with some great friends that recently moved up to the Green mountains. It was a beautiful place to celebrate! I'm looking forward to seeing you grow and change little one but I will always treasure your tiny baby days!